Jerusalem Lights

Parashat Nitzavim/Vayelech 5784 | Return to Who You Are

The Universal Day of Judgement for All Mankind

Tools For Serving God

Parashat Re'eh 5784 | Does Prophecy Exist Today?

The Many Varied Commandments of Parashat Ki Teitzei

Parashat Shoftim 5784 | The Law of the Accidental Killer

Secrets of the Hebrew Alphabet: Origins

The Challenge of Israel's Spiritual Battles

Book of Haggai 10.05.2024

Parashat Eikev 5784 | The Primordial Struggle: From the Garden of Eden to Messiah

Parashat Chukat 5784 | The Hidden Book of Healing and the Fiery Serpents

Parashat Behalotcha 5784 | The Illusion of Desire

The Words of Our Lives | Parashat Metzora 5784

What Are Molten Gods? l Parashat Kedoshim 5784

Parashat Va'etchanan 5784 | Why Every Prayer is Important

Parashat Bechukotei 5784 | The Art of Perpetual Movement

Parashat Behar 5784 | The Secret of the Sabbatical Year

Parashat Emor 5784 | The Infinite Value of Each Moment

The Philosophy of Evil and the Lesson of Mashiach

Moshe as Muse and the Spiritual Illumination of Tu B'Av

Parashat Devarim 5784 | Relationship and Responsibility

Reconnecting with Life | Parashat Acharei Mot 5784

Parashat Bamidbar/Shavuot 5784 | The Desert Camp: A Cosmic Pattern

The Fallen Angels and the Sin of the Spies